Common types of travelers you may meet on your trip

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Common types of travelers you may meet on your trip

There are different kinds of travelers and they have their different approach and purpose of traveling. It is quite a diverse thing to write about the different type of travelers because each one has their own unique qualities and it will be unfair to judge them on the basis of their traveling style. So without wasting your time and throwing any of our own judgments, here we have the common types of travelers you may meet on your trip.

city palace jaipur

So let us start:

  • Bitten by the Social Media Bug: These are quite common and you can find them anywhere while traveling, they might irritate you with their selfies, clicking pictures before doing anything, like they will not eat food without clicking a picture of it and they will be posing anywhere, anytime, however these people are very active on social media and they are always posting their pictures on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Some of them are even social media influencers and it is common for them to use Hastags while they talk to you. So, don’t get judgmental. It is what they love the most and moreover they are enjoying their trip and their followers are enjoying the virtual tour. So, next time you meet such people, try asking them to click your pictures, they are mostly good at clicking photos and the will love if you tag them on the pictures with photo credits!
  • Bloggers and Photographers: You can meet those DSLR type people with heavy lens gear and tripods. They are mostly clicking the panoramic pictures and may be making time lapse while under a star studded sky at night. They do it for a living so you shouldn’t be jealous of their gigantic cameras or high tech gears. However most of them are like faking it up because, we all know it is cool to be a blogger or photographer these days, but yes there are actual ones also. They travel all the time and make the best out of their travel.
  • Holidaymakers: They are the fancy travelers who have the experience of staying in the exotic places in resorts that are famous for luxury and elegance. Holiday makers don’t look for a chance for holiday; they make the holiday happen anytime they want. They are mostly rich and they need to pamper themselves so they choose the amazing holiday destinations.
  • Backpackers: These days it is very common to find the backpackers because they are everywhere. They put a rucksack on their back and go for it. Most of them are well traveled and they look for options that are affordable because they have a globe to cover in this lifetime! The backpackers stay in the affordable places like hostels or cheap guest houses, eat the cheapest thing on the menu and they don’t carry expensive gadgets or jumbo DSLRs however they are encyclopedias themselves because they have traveled so much that you can ask them about anything in particular about a place and they will come up with the tales of their glorious travels from mountains to beaches, to bunk beds to coffee at a cool café and what not. They even know the local people quite well.
  • The Party hoppers: These are fun loving travelers and booking Goa tickets is something that they can do every Christmas Holiday. They travel to have fun, dance, enjoy music and party basically. They you name an occasion and they can be ready with their disco pants! They are mostly the rich ones and they have quite a lot of idea about the party places across just everywhere.
  • In search of peace travelers: Some of the travelers are looking for peace within and they are usually found in the mountains where they think they can find peace and solace. They often turn vegan while they travel to the hippie places. They are on a holiday to get away from the city lives so basically they are from metro cities. They chill-out and relax and feed their soul with positive vibes while they are on a holiday.
  • The weekend types: These are the corporate people mostly who are looking for fun while they travel during the weekend brakes. They look for the long weekends and they make the best out of it by visiting some new destination every weekend. They never leave an opportunity to explore the touristy places and their purpose of traveling is to get away with the work stress. Since they are from corporate world so they have money to spend each weekend while watching a new sunset or sunrise and they are stable with their income.
  • The adventure junkies: Nothing can keep them away from getting the adrenal rush. They love to climb hills or do paragliding or rafting or maybe skiing. Their idea is to get the thrill while they are traveling. Such travelers come from various income groups and as per their budget they travel to the destinations that make them feel the thrill.
  • Tourists: Tourists plan their holidays with travel agents and they are into the well known touristy destinations and they don’t mind doing the activities that are popular in the place where they are going. They are also good with sticking to the already present itinerates and they are often seen with camera handing on their neck and hats. No matter where they travel, they cover the popular point of interests and they love the guided tours.
  • The Solo Travelers: There are many of solo travelers these days and they can be men or women. They start their trip from their home all by themselves and they stay along throughout the holiday. They are mostly the people who have been abandoned by their friends who plan out the tour and back out a few days before the travel days. Such travelers are brave and they love to manage the entire trip by themselves.

Well, as already mentioned, there are a lot of different types of people who travel and it is tough to categorize them, however we have made an attempt to highlight the popular ones.

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